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Technology in Dentistry is increasing in sophistication and also in cost. The practicing dentist has a need to understand how equipment works and what its limitations are. Well maintained, high quality equipment, used correctly, helps the dentist provide a high quality of operative care.

This lecture is designed to provide an explanation of dental equipment and a guide to its selection and use.


Bone tissue is one of the most frequently used tissues for transplantation. Annually more than a million patients are treated worldwide for skeletal problems in the field of orthopedic surgery, plastic surgery, maxillofacial surgery and neurosurgery. The use of autologous bone grafts is still considered to be the golden standard, but there are several major disadvantages in this technique, for example: (1) low availability of transplantable tissue, (2) postoperative morbidity, (3) lack of functional shape of the transplant. Therefore, the development of alternatives to autologous bone is a very relevant issue in bone reconstructive surgery.

Among the alternative materials, carbonate apatite (Ca-Ap) has been a most likely candidate for bone substitutes with a superior biodegradation. In view of this, collaborative research between the Department of Biomaterials of the Faculty of Dentistry, Kyushu University, Japan, and the Department of Oral Biomedical of the Faculty of Dentistry, Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia has resulted in the development of hydroxyapatite or calcium carbonate (calcite) monolith by treatment of gypsum or calcite in phosphate solution.  Furthermore, injectable calcium phosphate (Ca-P) cement has been developed at the Department of Periodontology and Biomaterials at the Radboud University Nijmegen Medical. The cement can be applied directly into a bone defect, and can be shaped and molded to fit the required shape of the bone defect. In addition, the bone regenerative capacity of this Ca-P cement can further be enhanced by the inclusion of degradable polymeric microparticles with bone growth stimulating factors.

Indonesia is known as a country rich with mineral sedimentation, including gypsum and calcium carbonate. Nevertheless, research related to the use of mineral sedimentation for medical applications is very limited. In the current project we intend to accumulate knowledge from researchers of various countries, i.e. Indonesia, the Netherlands and Japan, which has to result in the development of local Indonesian sources for medical applications with the introduction of an environment friendly and low-cost process.


The aim of on of my project is to convert gypsum into biodegradable carbonate apatite by carbonation and phosphatization of gypsum in the presence of calcium hydroxide and to prepare an injectable, easy-to-use carbonate apatite bone substitute of which the bone regenerative properties further can be enhanced by the inclusion of bone growth stimulating factors. The intended studies will focus on the mechanical and chemical properties of this newly developed material as well as on its bioactivity and biocompatibility by animal studies.


This lecture is designed to internalize theory, application, classification, and standard evaluation method, and last but not least, recent progresses on bioceramics.



Histology is knowledge about tissue. Histological approaches have been becoming important approaches to understand normal and abnormalities in the human body. New inventions in biomedical sciences need histology to understand tissue response to brand new method, process, materials, or other technologies.

This lecture is designed to give understanding on basic aspects of histology, including some techniques used.





On Going Activities




On Going

Fabrikasi Limbah dan Sedimentasi Alam Gipsum Menjadi Monolit Hidroksiapatit Berporus Interkonektif Tiga Dimensi, Kajian Awal Rekayasa Substitusi Tulang

(Ika Dewi Ana)



On Going

Pemanfaatan Gipsum Kulonprogo untuk Pembuatan Material Bioaktif Pengganti Tulang dengan Teknik Laser Sintering

(Alva Edy Tontowi, Widowati S., Ika Dewi Ana)



JSPS-DGHE (2005-2008)

On Going

Development of Carbonate Apatite Bone Substitute Based on Phase-transformation of Gypsum

(Ika Dewi Ana, Kunio Ishikawa)




Under Review Process

Fabrikasi Karbonat Apatit dengan Karbonasi dan Fosfatisasi Kalsit Alam untuk Substitusi Tulang

(Ika Dewi Ana, Iqmal Tahir, Dwililik Kusindarta, Archadian Nuryanti)



Under Review Process

Development of Injectable Carbonate Apatite Bone Substitute Based on Phase-transformation of Gypsum

(Ika Dewi Ana, John A. Jansen, Kunio Ishikawa, Munakhir,

Abdul Salam Sofro)




Continuous Improvement



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      Award 2004

      RUT XII


      HB XIV




      Pengalaman Bersekolah ke Jepang

      Pengembangan Semangat Kewirausahaan dan Inovasi

      Sumber Belajar Eksternal

      Pengembangan Karier

      Biokeramik, Aplikasi, Klasifikasi, dan Metode Evaluasi

      Rekayasa Substitusi Tulang, Teori, Aplikasi, dan Perkembangan Risetnya



      KomTimLit UGM, Pokja Lit Unggul

      Klaster Kesehatan-Kedokteran

      Saintifika Gadjah Mada

      Lab Riset FKG


      KMNU Nihon untuk Pendidikan


      PP Hidayatul Ummah


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Also on this page:



      Technology in Dentistry













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Also on this page:



      Pengalaman Bersekolah ke Jepang

      Pengembangan Semangat Kewirausahaan dan Inovasi

      Sumber Belajar Eksternal

      Pengembangan Karier

      Biokeramik, Aplikasi, Klasifikasi, dan Metode Evaluasi

      Rekayasa Substitusi Tulang, Teori, Aplikasi, dan Perkembangan Risetnya



      KomTimLit UGM, Pokja Lit Unggul

      Klaster Kesehatan-Kedokteran

      Saintifika Gadjah Mada

      Lab Riset FKG


      KMNU Nihon untuk Pendidikan


      PP Hidayatul Ummah





Pengalaman Bersekolah ke Jepang

(Ika Dewi Ana)


Buku ini menceritakan pengalaman penulis saat bersekolah di Jepang. Suka, duka, dan pengalaman-pengalaman praktis yang penting dan menarik sejak sebelum berangkat

hingga saat setelah kembali bertugas di universitas asalnya.


Mengapa Jepang menjadi pilihan? Bagaimana cara mencari kontak, pembimbing, dan beasiswa? Bagaimana mempersiapkan keberangkatan? Bagaimana kehidupan awal di Jepang? Bagaimana mengikuti tes masuk program graduate (master dan doktor)?

Bagaimana menjalani kehidupan di universitas,

di masyarakat dengan budaya asing,

dan bagaimana membangun jejaring?

Apa yang harus dipersiapkan saat pulang ke tanah air?

Apa yang harus dilakukan setelah selesai sekolah?

Beberapa hal penting (dan kadang rumit, terutama bila menyangkut sistem dan administrasi) tersebut diceritakan oleh penulis dengan gaya naratif sehingga mudah diingat.


Di dalam buku ini juga diceritakan kisah sekembali ke tanah air dan bagaimana tetap membangun jejaring kemasyarakatan dan keilmuan setelah selesai tugas belajar, sesuatu yang kadang terasa sulit di

awal kehidupan kembali di tanah air.


Buku ini penting untuk mereka yang berniat atau berkesempatan melanjutkan studi ke Jepang, juga penting untuk mereka yang akan bersekolah ke luar negeri.



Mengembangkan Semangat Kewirausahaan

Dan Semangat Inovasi

(Ika Dewi Ana, Djoko Dwiyanto)



Sumber Belajar Eksternal

(Harry Yohannes, Ika Dewi Ana)



Pengembangan Karier

(Amitya Kumara, Ika Dewi Ana)



Biokeramik: Aplikasi, Klasifikasi,

dan Metode Evaluasi

(Ika Dewi Ana)



Rekayasa Substitusi Tulang: Teori, Aplikasi,

dan Perkembangan Risetnya

(Ika Dewi Ana)











Menulis Itu, Memotret Peristiwa dengan Pikiran dan Hati

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Also on this page:



      Technology in Dentistry





      Award 2004

      RUT XII


      HB XIV
